Engines Posts

After six years of increases, more than 25 percent of new vehicles in the U.S. got turbos in the ...
Check out the Rislone Mustang that was built in Engine Power! It’s an awesome car you’...
This weekend on Engine Power the ’62 Nova is ready for final assembly. Lots of tech and fab...
LEGO’s Technic series is actually a pretty cool setup. It has all kinds of mechanical parts that ...
A Lego Motor Blowing Up At High RPMs Is Oddly Satisfying, Dodge Challenger Takes On Guy In A Jet-...
On this PowerNation Extra, the Engine Power team goes over what’s inside a torque converter...
Obviously, we all know VTEC is the reason any Honda Civic is just one exhaust upgrade away from b...
On Engine Power this weekend, Mike and Pat have their hands full with the finishing touches on pr...
The UK is now on board with not having internal combustion engines. Just like their French neighb...
A Bronco Body On A Raptor Suspension Is All Sorts Of Awesome, The 2018 Ford Mustang GT Still Has ...
Technology has come a REALLY long way over the past decade. It seems like everywhere you go, you ...
All 4-stroke engines need the same basic things to run correctly: fuel, air and spark. To go into...
If you’re looking to choose an engine for your new Ford F150 pickup, you have plenty of opt...
The boxer engine no doubt is a car-enthusiast favorite. On the market today, you can find them in...
There are a ton of videos out there on how to clean your car. Everything from wheels to interior ...
When it comes to cool technology that seems to work by magic, a pulsejet engine is right up there...
This weekend on Engine Power Pat and Mike hit the road for an inside look at a record setting eng...
Engine Power co-host, Pat Topolinski, tells you how you can find an engine’s specific outpu...
You may have heard that you should add “a splash” of diesel into your gas tank for several reason...
You can build basically anything you want with Legos these days. Every day there’s new cool...