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MuscleCar Builds

Parts Used In This Episode

Masking Tape, 233+, Green, 3/4 in. Width, 180 ft. Length, Each
Advanced Plating
Show Custom Chrome Plating-Powder Coating-Polishing-Black Chrome-24K Gold Plating
Matco Tools
BSC8 8mm Boron Spot Weld Cutter
Matco Tools
MM3K 3 Piece Magnet / Mirror Kit
Matco Tools
SE1315 Air Saw with Swivel Inlet
Matco Tools
SE4125 Silver Eagle 4-1/2" Angle Grinder
Miller Electric Manufacturing Co.
Millermatic 211 Auto-Set with MVP MIG Welder with Cart
48" Sheet Metal brake with stand
Floor-to-Firewall EXT LH, '64-67 GM A Body
Floor-to-Firewall EXT LH, '64-67 GM A Body