16 Tips To Improve Your Vehicle’s Gas Mileage

Everyone has been feeling the pinch at the pump, and buying a fuel-efficient vehicle is more complicated thanks to the global chip shortage and increased prices for new and used units.
Thankfully, the good news is it’s possible for you to get the most bang for your buck with the vehicle you’re using already. All it takes is some smart driving and common-sense changes for you to make good use of every drop of gasoline.
- Drive Less. The best solution is usually the easiest one. So what better way to give your gas tank and your wallet a break than by not using either. Plus, these days many employers are more accepting of employees working from home.
- Multitask. When you are out using your car to run errands, try to nail them all in one trip instead of needlessly driving back-and-forth between destinations.
- Change Vehicles. If you have access to more than one car, switch to one that has better mileage (or just more gas).
- Check your tire pressure. Not everyone checks the air pressure in their tires until they receive an alert on the dashboard. So check your tires monthly, and keep a portable tire pump on hand.
- Clean your Air Filter. Your car consumes more air than it does gasoline, so make sure your air filter is free of debris. If not, replace it.
- Don’t Idle. Let it be warming up your car, or waiting for someone to finish getting ready for date night, avoid idling when you can. Because if the engine is running and you’re parked, your engine is getting exactly 0 miles per gallon.
- Don’t Idle in Traffic. Remember that last tip? Same applies for when you’re at a standstill and you’re going to be there for a while.
- Feather the Accelerator. Aside from idling, your engine gets its worst mileage from when you accelerate from a stop. The amount of fuel one uses from the takeoff can be reduced by smoothly and gradually pressing down on the accelerator rather than flooring it.
- Stop only when you have to. If you find yourself braking as much as you are accelerating like in that scene from Meet The Parents, that’s a whole lot of gas you just wasted on kinetic energy. Try letting gravity do some of the work and roll natually.
- Look ahead. See what color the stop light is reading ahead of you, and the light ahead of that one, and so on. If you can roll enough from stop light to stop light without speeding from 0 to 30mph off the jump, you’ll keep some gas in the tank.
- Keep an eye on your Mileage Readout. The more you examine your vehicle’s mileage reader, the more informed you will be with how your driving habits can affect your fuel economy.
- Dump extra weight. Lighten your load by unloading anything that you don’t need.
- Take down the Roof Racks. If you’re not using them, remove those roof racks, or anything similar that creates drag.
- Close your Windows. Both windows and sunroofs can create drag, especially on the highway. If you’re looking to cool down, just use your A/C.
- Happy Medium. Most cars experience their best fuel economy while going 45-60 mph. You will experience more drag while going over 60mph, and your mileage will go in the opposite direction.
- Cruise Control. Whether you’re comfortable using the CC system, or you have a natually steady foot, staying at the same speed on the highway will keep your fuel economy steady.