BP To Offer $0.50/Gallon Discount To First Responders, Health Care Workers During Coronavirus Crisis

In the wake of the Coronavirus crisis, companies across the country are stepping up.
BP is one of the latest to announce its gas stations will be offering 50 cents off per gallon to local first responders, doctors, nurses, and hospital workers.
“Join us in supporting your local first responder, doctor, nurse or hospital worker to provide them with a 50 cents off per gallon discount to use on their next fill up at BP and Amoco stations,” the company said on its website. “Thank you for being on the front lines and keeping our communities healthy and safe. We are honored to be supporting you and helping you get where you need to go.”
The promotion allows certain essential workers to take the discount on their next fill up.
All workers need to do is verify their community status via ID.me to obtain the 50 cents per gallon discount to use on their next fuel purchase at BP and Amoco.
ID.me is a website that “simplifies how individuals prove and share their identity online.”