Challenger Takes The Lead From The Mustang in American Muscle Car Sales

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Ford’s six-year reign as best-selling American Muscle is looking like it will come to an end. The Dodge Challenger has outsold the Ford Mustang for all of 2021 and is on par to continue doing so.

The Challenger has beaten out the Mustang 44,142 to 41,065 vehicles sold heading into Q4. Ford hasn’t totally lost it though. Both the Mustang and Challenger will outsell the Chevrolet Camaro, which has only 15,084 vehicles sold year-to-date. The Camaro is having as rough year as even the mid-engine Corvette has sold more with 24,748 in sales.

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Unfortunately, Stellantis only puts out quarterly sales reports, so we’ll have to wait until the end of the year to see final numbers/

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