Driver Completely Destroys $2.3 Million Ferrari F40 In Accident

*Caution: This content may be disturbing to some viewers.*
This was an expensive day for the driver behind the wheel of a Ferrari F40. The car is worth about $2.3 million and is now totaled after a major accident.

It’s reported that the driver lost control of the pricey exotic before hitting a ditch which then sent the car flying into several trees and brush. The good news out of all this is that neither the driver nor the passenger sustained any major injuries.

Not only did the car have major damage, from the photos the surrounding street lights, road signs, and trees didn’t fare too well either.

On top of the extensive damage, the owner/driver will need to cough up cash for, they also received a ticket for losing control of the vehicle. Ouch. Could be yet another case of too much power, not enough driving experience.