Engine Power: Matco Tools Stops By For A Visit!

Our friends Mindy and Alex from Matco Tools stopped by the studio yesterday and visited with all of our shops. In the Engine Power shop, Mindy jumped in to help Pat install some roller rockers on Project Re-Rev 2.0, the 383ci engine that originally came in the ’62 Chevy II Nova. Mike was teaching Alex how to take an engine off of the dyno.
Matco Tools is a huge supporter, and we wouldn’t be able to bring everything we can to your living rooms without it! It was a pleasure having Alex and Mindy stop by and take a tour of the shops.

Tune in to the History channel on Sunday mornings at 7:30 a.m. ET or set those DVRs! We have a brand new episode of Engine Power coming your way! On this week’s episode, we are back to working on our Windsor Project. A surefire way to make more horsepower for our Windsor, Make it a Stroker! Plus, all new dyno room – Meet Cellblock D!