Facebook Helps Unite Two Truck Owners Who Need Each Other’s Silverado Hood

If there’s such thing as destiny or some version of soulmates, these guys might have found it. And all thanks to Facebook.

Over 100k shares but I canโ€™t find the loml through FB ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ˜’

Posted by John Payan on Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Silverado owner, รœziel Valles was stuck with a yellow hood on his otherwise white Silverado. As you can see, it’s not a particularly good-looking color combo. So he headed over to the Denver Dropped Trucks group to see if anyone could help him out.

That’s when John Payan saw the post and immediately thought of his own Silverado which was coincidentally all-yellow with a white hood. What are the chances?

You can see the exchange above and the final swaps below. And while it may not be a perfect paint match for either guy, it sure beats the wrong color hood all together!

So as much of a pain that social media and the internet, in general, can be, we love a good outcome story like this!

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