Find Out The Story Of These Brothers In Arms and Trucks!

This week on PowerNation we’ve got four more brand new episodes of tech for you from our shops. Plus the cofounders of Brothers Truck Parts join Katie. Jim and Steve Flanders will share how they started their company back in 1995 because they saw a need for quality truck parts that nobody was fulfilling at the time. It’s an amazing story of how they went from working out of a house, both working full-time jobs, then into a 10×10 office space and sleeping on a cot in between answering phone orders and then working on the website and catalog at night. Plus we’ll check out this ’69 Chevy C-10 that was hot rodded into a ’67 by owner Dwight Polzin. He chopped the cab four inches and fabbed up his own Corvette stinger style hood with an LQ-9 engine underneath. That striking paint is a Camaro color called Cimarron and inside a hot rod black leather interior with a ’59 sedan dash. It’s a great block of tech and info so make sure you tune in. For more visit