Job Hunting? Be One Of The Next Oscar Mayer Wienermobile Drivers

If you’re in the job market and also happen to be a hot dog fan, you’re in luck. Oscar Mayer is once again on the hunt for the next “class” of drivers to sit behind the wheel of the iconic Weinermobile.
The company is now accepting applications for its 34th class of “Hot Dog High” which is a two-week training course that trains applicants to be official Hotdoggers. Once you graduate, you then get the keys to the Wienermobile for a year starting in June 2021.
Hotdoggers will not only get to wheel around in the Wienermobile but also travel around the United States while representing Oscar Mayer. What are the qualifications of a Hotdogger you might ask? Oscar Mayer is looking for people who recently graduated with a GPA of 3.0 or above and a bachelor’s degree – preferably in communications, journalism, marketing, or public relations.
If you’re interested, you better triple check your resume and make sure your interview skills are excellent as Oscar Mayer says it receives thousands of applicants each time it opens the position. Be sure to get your cover letters and resumes turned in by January 31!