Las Vegas Police Arrest Man For Back-To-Back Speeding Violations In Two Minutes in 35 MPH Zone

If you get out of a speeding ticket with a warning, you breathe a sigh of relief and go about your day while driving the speed limit. However, one Las Vegas man doubled-down by getting back-to-back speeding violations in less than two minutes.
While driving his Chevrolet Camaro SS, Jeffrey Hair was stopped for going 73 mph in a 35 mph zone. For most people, this would be enough to follow the rules of the road as a responsible driver. However, Jeffrey Hair isn’t most people.
According to 3 News, after his first traffic stop, Hair was pulled over again in less than two minutes for going even faster, clocking in at 106 mph in the same speed zone.
But rather than get a speeding ticket, LVPD arrested Hair for reckless driving, as well as having his Camaro towed.
The Chevrolet Camaro SS comes equipped with a 6.2-liter V8 engine that produces 455 horsepower and 455 lb-ft of torque. While this may not be the most powerful Camaro, it is enough to get yourself pulled over.
On July 15th, in North Las Vegas, this driver was arrested for reckless driving (106MPH in a 35MPH zone). Only moments after given a citation for reckless driving (73MPH in a 35MPH zone).
— NLVPD (@NLVPD) July 22, 2022
Great job to #NLVPD Traffic officers for making our streets safer #TooFast #SlowDown!