LS Engine Swaps Part 2: Sensors, Solenoids, and Harnesses

Recently, we posted several LS engine swap component parts lists for popular GM cars and trucks (and Fox-body Mustangs too). Created by Summit Racing’s tech experts, they take a lot of the guesswork out of selecting the correct components—motor mounts, transmission crossmembers, headers, and so forth—needed for a successful LS swap.

But that’s not all to getting that LS up and running. You’re going to need things like sensors, wiring harnesses, and solenoids to finish the installation. Summit Racing has you covered there, too.
These checklists twill help you keep track of what to get, down to the wiring pigtails for various sensors. At PowerNation and Summit Racing, it’s all about making your life easier.

Engine Block Sensors
Sensor Part Number Required Wiring Pigtail
Coolant Temperature ADO-12551708 SMP-HP4440
Knock Sensor ADO-213-3521 SMP-HP3850
Rear Cam Position ADO-213-363 ICP-WPCMP30
Oil Pressure SMP-PS303 ICP-WPOIL30
Crank Position, Gen III ADO-213-354 ICP-WPCKP30
Crank Position, Gen IV ADO-213-3520 ICP-WPCK40

Top End Sensors
Sensor Part Number Required Harness/Adapter
Throttle Position, Gen III ADO-213-912 ICP-WPTPS30
Throttle Position, Gen IV ADO-19259452 SMP-S-1745
Idle Air Control, 1999-2004 ADO-17113598 ICP-WIAC30
Mass Airflow, Gen III DFP-AF10043 SMP-S605
Mass Airflow, Gen IV* ADO-213-4222 SMP-S1262
Air Temperature ADO-213-190 ICP-WIAT30
1-Bar MAP ADO-12614970 ICP-WPMAP30
2-Bar MAP ADO-213-1631 ICP-WPMAP30
3-Bar MAP NAL-12592525 ICP-WPMAP10
*Requires ICP-551545 MAF card

Front End Sensors, Solenoids, and Wiring Pigtails
RNB-916-886 Dorman Variable Valve Timing (VVT) Solenoid
ADO-213-3826 ACDelco Front Cam Position Sensor
ICB-WPACV30 ICT Billet A/C Compressor Wiring Pigtail
ICB-WPALT30 ICT Billet Alternator Wiring Pigtail