Police Officer Pulls Over Very Realistic Fred Flinstone
Yabba Dabba Doo! On November 4, Deputy H. Echevarria of the Pasco Sheriff Department pulled over a very realistic Mr. Fred Flinstone. It was actually Don Swartz who was speeding. Which is actually kind of impressive considering he was so in-character he was actually using his feet as power. The Sheriff’s Department posted the funny comment with the photos:

“Mr. Flinstone was issued a citation for speed and became unruly and had to be detained. After further investigation, Mr. Flinstone was issued a Notice To Appear and released. Deputy Echevarria then seized the vehicle which is now part of the PSO fleet. This is what Intelligence-Led Policing looked like in the stone age. A very special thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Don and Trina Swartz for being such great sports.”