Semifinal Voting For The Top Muscle Car Bracket Begins Today!

We have finished up Round Two for our Top Muscle Car brackets and the winner is close to being decided! Now, it’s on to the semifinals in Round Three.
Our viewers have voted and it’s come down to the #1 seed 70 Hemi Cuda vs. the #4 seed ’69 Road Runner and the #2 seed ’70 Chevelle SS LS6 vs. the #3 seed ’69 Mustang Boss 429. It’s up to you to decide which vehicles move on!
As a quick reminder, this is how we’ve determined what constitutes a muscle car:
-American Made 2-Door
-V8 Powered
-Rear-Wheel Drive
-High-Performance Vehicle
-Built From The Mid 1960s to Early 1970s
Voting for each round will be open for 3 days. After voting, sign up with your email address to receive the results of each round and be informed when each new round or new bracket contest is available.
Go vote now in Round Three!