This Chevy Truck Jump Turned Into One Epic Fail!
There are a lot of videos out there of people performing crazy stunts in their old trucks and many of them are actually pretty cool! A lot of them are also complete failures and turn into a disaster for both the truck and the driver. Not sure what exactly went wrong in this video but it obviously turned into an epic crash!
You see a 1995 Chevy truck in the distance at the start of the video. It’s speeding closer and closer to what looks to be a dirt hill. When the truck finally reaches the dirt ramp, it gets some amazing air and is completely airborne! Somehow the truck ends up dipping down in the front and ends up landing vertically! Whoa! This then causes the truck to flip upside down!! Well that didn’t go as planned!
Obviously the crowd is freaking out at this point because this crash looked pretty bad! Luckily the driver was ok and managed to walk away from this wild crash! What do you think about this stunt gone wrong? What do you think happened? Do you have any thoughts or opinions? Let us know in the comments what you think about this crazy crash!