Truck Tech: Project Red Tide Ready For New Fuel Components

LT has been working hard in the Truck Tech shop getting Project Red Tide ready to roll. The Silverado project is ready for some upgraded fuel (and other) accessories to get that new 5.3-liter engine running happy and healthy.

The truck was originally equipped with a TBI fuel style system which gives about 12 pounds of fuel pressure. That’s not going to cut it with its freshly swapped 5.3-liter LS truck engine. LT is busy installing a factory replacement in-tank fuel pump assembly to be safe due to some visible exterior rust on the factory unit, and that’s the same case for the hard lines that run down the frame so a fresh set of hard fuel lines will also be installed. LT is also installing a Walboro 255 LPH (liter per hour) in-tank electric fuel pump, a GM Corvette-style fuel pressure regulator and filter assembly from Summit Racing that comes equipped with hose and push lock fittings.

Also to be installed on Red Tide is an air conditioning compressor, passenger side brackets, tensioners, idlers, power steering reservoir, drivers side brackets, power steering pump, and an lternator.

Stay tuned for an exciting new episode of Truck Tech comin’ at you Sunday morning, January 20th at 8:30 am eastern time on the History channel.