Watch Cowboys Wrangle a Runaway Cow on a Busy Highway

There are loads of potential hazards drivers need be aware of: distracted drivers, trash, potholes, deer, pedestrians, etc. Of course, some Oklahoma drivers found themselves dealing with an unexpected hazard… a runaway cow.
Apparently a herd of cattle got loose earlier this week and one young rogue cow found itself right in the middle of the I-40 highway.
From there, Blake Igert, a contractor for the Oklahoma National Stockyards pinback crew, along with fellow cowboy Jimmy Dishman, received a call about the runaway cow and saddled up. The duo managed to wrangle the animal, but found the ordeal to be more intense due to the fact that it was all happening in active traffic.
There were no reports of any damage or injuries caused by the cow, and it is unknown as to how the herd of cattle managed to escape their enclosure. But at least Igert and Dishman were able to resolve the problem in a somewhat cinematic way.
This also meant that a lot of commuters had something interesting to talk about as they showed up to the office that day.
Video: Oklahoma City cowboys lasso loose cow on interstate
— The Comeback (@thecomeback) June 7, 2022