Your License Plate Could Soon Be A Traveling Billboard
Just when you think they’ve done it all when it comes to automotive technology, they find something new. Now license plates might be the new form of advertising. According to MediaPost, license plates will display your number and information when you’re driving but turn into digital advertising when the car is parked.
The idea of the “rPlate” is being presented at the Detroit Auto Show this week. The company is called Reviver and they’re partnering up with DMVs across America. CEO, Neville Boston, says the plates are targeted at fleet cars like rental car companies but they could become popular enough to eventually use on regular cars. For example Boston said, “In a Home Depot parking lot, you could send ads that speak to what’s in a store.” The rPlates are the same size and have anti-reflective screens. Prototypes are already being used in California and there are plans to add more states this year